Files can be added to Handyfiles in various ways. The most obvious is to log in to your Handyfiles account and click the Upload Files button. It will always upload into the folder you are currently viewing.
You can also email files into your Handyfiles account by sending them as attachments. This does not require you to log in, so anyone can email files into your account. To find out what email address to send to, log in to your account and click Upload By Email and your account’s email address will be displayed. By default, files will arrive in your Home folder. They may take a few minutes to arrive. The sender will receive a confirmation email.
To get an email address that sends to a folder other than the Home folder, please contact us.
When files are emailed into your account, Handyfiles will record the ‘from’ address of the sender, and will also store any text that was in the Subject and Body of the email. To view that text, find the file in Handyfiles, right-click on it and click Notes.
Files can also be added to your Handyfiles account by public web upload page. To set this up, mouse over the Person icon in the top right, click Account Details, then on that page enter an Upload Code. That code will form part of your Upload Page URL, which is displayed just underneath. Share that URL with people who you want to upload into your account. Remember that anyone can use it to send files to you. You can change the Upload Code whenever you want, which will change your Upload URL. You can pause or turn off uploads by unchecking the box marked Allow Uploads Via That URL.
Files can also be added to your account by ftp, http post, by emailing URLs, or virtually any other method, but these methods need to be set up manually by Handyfiles Support.